๐Ÿ’ก Useful Git Commands you need to know ๐Ÿ’ก

๐Ÿ’ก Useful Git Commands you need to know ๐Ÿ’ก


2 min read

Git workflow

  1. git init -> Initializes git in any folder/repository (Needs only if you are not cloning a repository)

  2. git clone https://github.com/<your-user-name>/<repo-name> -> Clones the repository in your local system.

  3. git status -> Shows the current status of the repository.

  4. git add <file-name> -> Adds specific file to staging area

  5. git diff / git whatchanged -> Gives the recent changes in the repository

  6. git add . -> Adds all changed files to staging area

  7. git commit -m "<your-message>" -> Gives a message to your current files and takes their snapshot to commit history

  8. git log -> Shows the commit history

  9. git revert <commit-token> -> Discards the specific commit (Deletes the committed files but keeps a trace in history)

  10. git reset --soft HEAD~<no-of-commits-to-revert> -> Undo's the commit and brings the changes back in the staging area

  11. git restore --staged <file> -> Brings back the specific file in the changes made section which is added to the staging area.

  12. git remote -v -> Shows all the remote connection

  13. git remote add origin https://github.com/<your-user-name>/<repo-name> -> adds your forked branch as the origin (No need to do if the repo is cloned)

  14. git remote add upstream https://github.com/<parent-user-name>/<repo-name> -> Adds parent repository as upstream.

  15. git pull origin -> fetches the changes made in origin to your local system

  16. git pull upstream -> fetches the changes made in origin to your local system

  17. git branch <branch-name> -> Creates a branch with branch-name

  18. git checkout <branch-name> -> This now allows you to make changes in the specified branch

  19. git checkout -b <branch-name> -> This is combination of git branch <branch-name> and git checkout <branch-name>

  20. git merge <branch-name> -> merges its children branch-name into its parent branch.

  21. git branch -d <branch-name> -> Deletes the specified branch. And if the changes in the branch-name are not merged in the parent branch then the changes are deleted.

  22. git push origin <branch-name> -> Pushes the recent commits to the new branch

Thank you So much for reading

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